We provide the solution to the problems that exist within the Family Court system.
- The Family Court system is hard to navigate without an attorney. The process of resolving a custody dispute with your ex and getting court orders is complicated.
- Attorneys are expensive. To resolve the simplest custody dispute can cost you several thousand dollars.
- Access to self-help services is inconvenient, and you still have to organize the complicated information yourself, without help.
- Most people do not qualify for free legal aid services.
- The last thing someone fighting with their ex about custody wants is the frustration of figuring out court forms.
Our solution makes the process easy.
- You answer simple questions.
- Your answers are then gathered and populated into the required court forms and declarations.
- At the end, you get simple instructions on how to assemble the documents that you need to file with the court before your court hearing.
- You can do everything without hiring an attorney, or even a paralegal.
FamilyLaw365 Founder, Ji Y. Park
Ji is the Managing Attorney of a boutique Family Law firm in Beverly Hills, CA. She has nearly two decades of experience and is certified by the State Bar of California as a “Family Law Specialist,” which is a designation awarded to a small percentage of Family Law attorneys. She is also rated as a “Super Lawyer” in Family Law, which is an honor reserved for the top 5% of all attorneys in California who exhibit excellence in their field.
Ji created Familylaw365 because she saw a void that needed to be filled for people who have too much money to qualify for free legal aid, but at the same time, do not have enough money to pay for an attorney.
She also recognized that parents know their children, and the facts of their custody and/or child support disputes, the best. Most parents can tell their story better than any lawyer can on their behalf; they simply need help to tell the story properly to the court.
As a parent herself, she created FamilyLaw365 to help those parents who, for whatever reason, want to (or need to) tell their story to the court themselves, without a lawyer. She firmly believes that the legal system and justice should not be so complicated that you feel like you’re filing taxes in order to ask the court for orders related to your children.
FamilyLaw365 makes everything as easy as 1-2-3.